Friday, May 8, 2009

Nothing personal

Last night, a group of students hanged out with me for a while and we got into talking. If I believe these "friends" and I do, apparently, my last post was inaccurate. I guess the decision was based on the students' votes. How am I supposed to feel in this regard? Nothing, I suppose. It is just business.

How will this reflect on my discourse? Well, it'll be business as usual. My principle is very simple. My students are college students who are supposed to be stirred with more useful exercises and activities. If the school or the students do not think my discourses are invaluable, I cannot do anything about it. Sure, the activities might be a little hard at the beginning but in actuality, they are really very basic. If the basics are unacceptable, I guess my expectations were set a little too high.

So where is the standard set at? Passing examinations? Well, isn't that important? I believe it is. But if you analyze this more carefully, a well-prepared student shouldn't really have problems passing the exams. But what is a well-prepared student? In my opinion, a well-prepared student is someone who had experienced a lot of similar things to be able to better understand the questions and provide a better answer.

Anyway, there is no point crying over spilled milk. Besides, I do not look at this as a misfortune. I see it as a challenge, and perhaps the situation dictates that it is time for me to move on ... should I say, a greener pasture.

Oh, I am going to miss a lot of my good students in this school, but life just have to move forward. Let's see, a month-and-a-half left ... and by that time, this blog will also probably ceased to exist.