Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It starts tomorrow

I've always believe that methods could be changed to fit one's own abilities. At the beginning of the term, I have explained to all my classes that they are required to submit a video to qualify for their final exams. Seven weeks later, I have received no queries from any of them.

Although the video sessions were already a planned activity, it would still be nice to have queries from any of my students. At least I would know that they are interested, and I wouldn't have to doubt that they already know what they should do. A lot of things we do in life requires instructions, and failure or even misunderstanding part of the instruction can create very adversed effects.

My sophomore classes (070122 and 070125) would start theirs next week but for the Juniors, they would have to come prepared or nothing useful would come out of the activity.

I have already divided each class into four groups, and each group would have a leader. I've also instructed the groups to bring with them in class at least one portable computer. I gave the groups a few days to decide on their leaders, and only these leaders will received instructions from me.

The idea is passing along information and hopefully teamwork can be formed. Each of the group will take on one or two tasks. They need to put together a script to what one or two of their group members will be saying during the video recording. I've also instructed the leaders to make sure that their group's computer has a video editing software, like MovieMaker, capable of editing videos. Once the session for the group had been recorded, the video will be uploaded to their machines for editing. Then off to the next group.

Group one will be doing a self-introduction and/or an audition; group two, self-introduction and/or a job application; group three, an audition and/or job application; and group four a job application and/or a how to.

The idea with the choices is that more than one member could volunteer for the recording session thus facilitating the start of their task to submit their videos to qualify for their final exams.

We'll see what happens to the classes this week and on Monday. If there is a need to do it again, I can always move the other activities to a later class.

If there are any queries, contact me by email.

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